Double murderer Anders Eklund is arrested on suspicion of the murder of 6-year-old Jasmina in Sävsjövägen 1997.
But there are more unsolved cases of serious crime where he is interesting, says Leif GW Persson.
– There are two that stand out, he says.
yesterday revealed Aftonbladet that the lifetime convicted double murderer Anders Eklund has been arrested on suspicion of the murder of Jasmina, 6, who disappeared from Småland Sävsjövägen 1997.
But there may be more cases where Anders Eklund’s interesting, says Leif GW Persson, retired police Professor including led the work on cold cases, unsolved serious crimes.
“So you sharks to”
– A, where I launched Eklund, Malin murder in Gothenburg. The reason for this is that the modus operandi (approach, reds. Note.) Has many similarities with Pernilla murder in Falun, says Leif GW Persson.
Pernilla Hellgren was murdered in 2000, but it was not until 2008 when Anders Eklund sentenced before the murder had its dissolution.
– Fallen is vastly similar, and it is a very unusual type of crime. This is so that you sharks, says Leif GW Persson.
Both are classic sex, says the professor, and in no case has managed to secure sperm – either at the scene or in connection with the victim.
But there are more similarities.
– The management of the victims after they died or become unconscious, is very similar, said Leif GW Persson.
But the truck driver Eklund has been able to show a driver’s log saying that he lived 100 mil from Gothenburg when Malin was murdered.
Is 400 cases
On Wednesday, Anders Eklund questioned about the murder of Jasmina, and the retired Police professor does not believe that there are more infanticide where Anders Eklund can be current.
– When it comes to the murder of children, we actually have not so many, it is virtually Jasmina, he says.
But there are many other less serious crimes of violence where Anders Eklund may become interesting, according to GW.
– Eklund is not foreign to anything when it comes to sexual abuse, it can surely find rapes. We are talking about a much larger group of crime than murder, he says.
The police have already found that there are nearly 400 cases from the late 1980s to 2008, when he was arrested in which Anders Eklund may have been nearby.
Among them are several murders and disappearances.
“He’s dangerous”
And Leif GW Persson says that work to relax Anders Eklund unsolved sex crimes has already begun.
– There was a great interest Eklund as soon as it became clear, and it has well come some oddities.
Will he be sentenced for more crimes do you think?
– Releasing him, he will commit new crimes, but he will probably be sitting in times immemorial. He is a dangerous man. Anders Eklund has made a deep impression on me, says Leif GW Persson.
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