Friday, October 14, 2016

The moderates and the Liberals is critical to the reduced demands on the employees in the detention centers – Sveriges Radio

Cecilia Widegren is a socio-political spokesperson of the conservative party. She says that it is about the children who have already been betrayed by society.

– Where should the state go in with aid and help, but now involved the government to further lower the requirements. Not on the contrary that we hear so much about in the debate, that we should raise the quality of welfare.

increased competition on labor from a residential worker-home, and a greater number of unaccompanied children who, according to the State institutionsstyrelse led to the requirement of those who is employed now is lowered in a decision concerning a year in the future. Now no longer needed any post-secondary education to work for the SiS.

Kenth Eliasson is director-general of SiS:

” We are in a situation where labour shortages have a significant impact on our ability to staff our institutions and expand the number of places. This leads to that we have great difficulties to solve our social mandate, ” says Kenth Eliasson, director general of the SiS.

this means that SiS put themselves under the national Board of health’s general advice for normal residential worker home. The advice says that the staff should have at least two years of tertiary education.

the SiS who have the care of young people with often more serious psychosocial problems have higher powers than the usual residential worker-home, for example, used insulation, hand searches, and restraints on the SiS which we told you about earlier. Fredrik Malmberg is the ombudsperson.

” I feel deep concern about what this may mean for children’s care, says children’s ombudsman Fredrik Malmberg.

Christina Örnebjär is barnpolitisk spokesperson for the Liberals. She calls the decision to cut the anställningskraven for “terrible”.

– first, there are the reports of closures and avskiljningar shows the need for high skills, not less. We would never lower the requirements in the same way in all skills.

What do you think the government should do?

– See over regelringsbreven is a part of it. Then, to give a clear signal to the director general and the management that this is not ok. We should have a high level of expertise at our properties, ” says Christina Örnebjär.

Mikael Bergkvist is acting president for the trade union Seko on SiS. He thinks that the appropriations for SiS been too low for you to be able to compete on the labour force.

” this is something you should be seen from a political perspective. Instead of increasing pengapåsen to us to do the opposite. For me, not the equation together. Lot is located on the politicians today, I think. It is time that they wake up, ” says Mikael Bergkvist.


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