Friday, October 14, 2016

S:t Eskils gymnasium building gender-neutral dressing room – bbc Radio

“We have had a dialogue with the students, and have seen that there is a need for it,” says Johan Ahlkvist, principal of the school.

We have previously told Mary-Jane Nehme which goes to S:t Eskils gymnasium. She was born a boy but identifies as a girl – and for her, a problem occurs in the face of every gympalektion, in that she may not change in the girls ‘ dressing room.

But now St Eskils gymnasium in Eskilstuna, sweden – after pressure from the student council – chosen to build a completely new, gender-neutral dressing room.

For Mary-Jane Nehme, the new locker room a safe place to change.

” It feels so genuinely good. Previously I was worried before gympalektionerna, but now I feel safe.

In a week, the school had meeting with kommunfastigheter to plan the construction of the new locker room.

“We hope to be ready in the spring,” says Johan Ahlkvist, principal of the school.


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