In september, the Central ethical review board fuskstämpel on Paolo Macchiarinis research.
Now hit the scandalous Italian surgeon back.
In a letter to the JO signing he board for, inter alia, lack of integrity, independence and professionalism.
In connection with the identification of the skandalkirurgen Paolo Macchiarinis deadly strupoperationer at the Karolinska university hospital, arose allegations even on an academic level.
the Research that had been published in the journals Nature Communications and Biomaterials were reported by the Karolinska Institute to the Central ethical review board (CEPN), which in september brought down Macchiarini of research misconduct in both cases.
Now hit the Italian before this stjärnkirurgen back and JO-notify the board of the two decisions. In the notification, as mejlades into onsdagseftermiddagen, the judge he replaced the board for having a lack of integrity, independence and professionalism.
READ MORE: Macchiarini bound to cheat again

Macchiarini writes:
“CEPN’s actions have consistently been unbalanced in favor to decide on a conviction, after pressure from the public and greatly involved actors. It has aside from the major international guidance in the necessary investigative process and its statements in the case have been vague, but to satisfactorily describe the basics of the debt as directed”.
the Surgeon writes that he considers himself to have been regarded as guilty from the outset and have complaints about that the decisions would have been made in June, according to him, was delayed until september.
In the letter explains Macchiarini that he provide his or her lawyer’s address, as it is of the greatest importance that his own remains a secret.
“As a result of the allegations against me, I have received personal threats and it is out of consideration for my personal and my family’s safety that I ask that my place of residence and dealings do not come to public knowledge,” he writes.
Exclusive interview – Macchiarini Karolinska knew all
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