Saturday, October 15, 2016

Police protection after the threats on the island of Gotland – Aftonbladet

Society. The suspected gruppvåldtäkten in Visby, a wheelchair bound woman has aroused strong emotions.

In the morning, organised a manifestation against racism and sexism. The mood is bitter and one of the organizers has been polisbeskydd after having been threatened.

Behind the manifestation is the Feminist initiative (Fi) and the Left party on the island of Gotland.

– Fi Gotland want to be clear, to respond to the criticisms that have been and respond with a manifestation to show that we do not stand for either racism or sexism, ” says Johanna Ivarsson, member of the Fi’s national national executive, to TT.

reported to the police threats

With criticism she says that she is referring to the racism that has emerged in and with the events on the island of Gotland. A person within the Fi Gotland has received police protection since she has been the victim of threats by reason of the manifestation.

– The threats that have come have been reported to the police and the person who has been threatened has been well treated by the police, with respect and with confidence. Now it feels like they want to have some peace and quiet in the face of tomorrow, ” says Johanna Ivarsson.

How the threats have been like she doesn’t want to comment.

– They are reported to the police and it is the police who may take care of them.

“We are with and support”

The vulnerable person within the Fi Gotland sheep according to Johanna Ivarsson support from the party at the national level.

– We are always with and support our local bands from beijing, so that our members and active feel good, they know we exist, and that they can turn if they have questions or need support. We are in contact with each other simply, ” she says.

Any representative of the Fi at national level will not be present at the manifestation.

TT: Is there any reason to it?

– We must always prioritize. We are with them and Access the island of Gotland is itself a strong group, ” says Johanna Ivarsson.

the Left party would not comment on how the party handles the uncertainty surrounding the manifestation, without referring to the Party on the island of Gotland.


Background: This has happened

2 October: Six persons arrested is reasonably suspected of the rape of a wheelchair bound woman on the island of Gotland. The woman, who is in his mid-30s, has been notified that she was raped in a residence in Visby, during the night of Sunday. One of them is released, while five will be arrested.

5 October: The detainees released on free foot. The suspected rape was connected quickly to ethnicity. It has spread information that the five men, who are still suspects for the assault are asylum seekers. When the five are released after three days, a part people take things into their own hands. A demonstration held without permission in the centre of the city a hundred people going from the police station to the place where the suspected rape took place. Later in the evening, a stone may be thrown against a box on a asylboende in Slite, north-east of Visby, and the same night, some persons have taken it back to the prosecutor in the case, reports the Expressen.

October 7: Police send reinforcement to the island of Gotland, as a result of that serious threats have been made against the former detainees and persons within the judicial system.

9 October: Two men suspected of hemfridsbrott and förgripelse against the officer questioned but released thereafter.

12 October: the Prosecutor Mats Wihlborg, leaving våldtäktsutredningen to another prosecutor. According to Wihlborg is the reason that he has “been subjected to quite serious things.”

14 October: Police special operation in the polisområde Gotland is enhanced ahead of the holiday weekend, with the staff, “can this with public gatherings”. The measure should be seen against the background of a torgmöte and a manifestation, organised by the political parties SD, respectively, V and Fi.

Some men who have been identified as suspected rapists have been attacked and filmed by a man, whose name is well known in right-wing circles. The film, which has ended up on Youtube, has had a great impact on the xenophobic debate that has emerged after the event, write the Whole of the island of Gotland,

Source: TT, DN, the Whole of the island of Gotland.



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