Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Investor invite politicians on the lyxfest – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Several ministers are on the guest list when Wallenbergbolaget Investor celebrates the glamorous 100-anniversary gala at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm on Saturday – but Helene Hellmark Knutsson jumps now. Participation is not straightforward, according to mutlagsexperter. The prime minister has accepted, but should allow the investigation of what is legally correct.

Science Helene Hellmark Knutsson (S). Arkivbild.Image: Pontus Lundahl/TT

” We’re going to let the government offices and rättsenheten to look at what is really. We should follow the rules, there is no doubt about it, ” says the prime minister.

TT: it Would be no problem to go there?

” It is that, I don’t know, why should we let those who can legally look at it. We shall represent in a proper way, I think it is correct that the government are represented when the Investor turns 100 years old, but we should follow the rules that exist, ” says the prime minister.

Among the 1 500 invitees are in addition to the prime minister, his government and partikollegor Ibrahim Baylan, Helene Hellmark Knutsson and Mikael Damberg, who all accepted.

the Event, on the Investor’s own luxury costs ten million according to the company, half of which goes to the exhibits for the companies. A quarter goes to hotellhyran and a quarter to the finger food, drinks and entertainment.

According to the Investor, representatives of, among others, private companies, business in general, the government and the Alliance have been invited.

It may be justifiable for ministers to attend, consider Helena Sundén, secretary-general at the Swedish Institute against bribery, a non-profit business organization against corruption. But she does not react at least on the value of the benefit.

” If you look at the amount here, so commanding it a value that is high above what can be seen as moderate.

Thorsten Cars, the reputable expert in the mutlagstiftningen, agree that the setting is well lyxbetonad.

– Here is one far out in the frontier. It sounds a bit adventurous, to put it gently.

Science Hellmark Knutsson and coordination and minister of energy Ibrahim Baylan has also accepted the invitation to their respective partners.

” It tend to act a bit like a red line in this context. That one goes in the service belong to some extent for public services, but there is no reason to take a partner, ” says Cars.

But now Hellmark Knutsson as amended.

– Now we have done a review of how well represented the government so I will refrain this time from to go, and that applies, of course, my partner also, she says to TT.

Hellmark Knutsson says that the cause only is to so many other ministers as possible, not to TT paid attention to the matter.

She also says that she did not know the cost per envelope when she accepted, or how many ministers should go and that she agrees with the prime minister’s views on it is common to check that the regulations are complied with.

Centerledaren Annie Lööf has accepted. She also takes with her husband, who must pay its kuvertkostnad.

” I’m not mutbar. I have in all my years both as a minister and active politicians have been very eager to be able to engage in discussions with business leaders.

the Facts: Requests for state support

Science Helene Hellmark Knutsson has been contacted by the Investor’s chairman Jacob Wallenberg the face of the government’s research bill that is expected next month.

Wallenberg is the chairman of the stockholm school of economics association and a board member of the Stockholm school of Economics. The school principal sent on June 28, an e-mail to Hellmark Knutsson, secretary-Karin Char. It shows that Wallenberg has been talking with the minister about “the School’s possible inclusion in the forthcoming research policy bill”. Principal Lars Strannegård explains for the TT to what it means is that the school wants to have the amendment to the unfair enough not to get government funding for research.

“We wish that we shall get support from the state when it comes to research and graduate education,” he says.

Mutlagsexperten Thorsten Cars, says that “it is quite sufficient for it to be such an employment, which means that the donor may have the advantage of standing well with the receiver through the call” (to the Investor’s party on Saturday).

Also, Char will be at the party, but Hellmark Knutsson drop out.

the Facts: an Invitation

So it says in the invitation to the guests (translated from English):

“Welcome to celebrate the Investor 100 years with our core investments and other friends!

In a festive and relaxed way 'home' of our own Grand Hotel we would like to share with us of parts of our history, and take a look at our future challenges and innovations on the theme of innovation and impact.

the Evening will provide exciting meetings, food and beverage, entertainment and music until the celebration of our century at midnight! The party will continue well into our second century.”

The personal invitations are addressed “to you and your partner” and is signed by the Investor’s chairman Jacob Wallenberg and ceo Johan Forssell.

the dress code is second-best on the festskalan: black tie (tuxedo/dress, transl note) with a touch of innovation.

the Facts: Investor overview

Founded in 1916 by Stockholms enskilda bank.

a major shareholder in a number of listed companies: Atlas Copco, ABB, SEB, Astra Zeneca, Wärtsilä, Ericsson, Sobi, Electrolux, Nasdaq, Saab and Husqvarna.

the Investor also has a significant ownership in the venture capital company EQT.

In the Investor’s company, Patricia Industries is a portfolio with a number of wholly-owned subsidiaries Mölnlycke Health Care, Permobil, Aleris and 3 Scandinavia.

Investor’s net asset value, the company’s net worth, amounted to 259 billion or 339 per share on June 30 this year, according to the interim report presented in July.

Source: Investor


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