the Jurors who sit in the courts can go to a voluntary training on sexual abuse in Jönköping next week. It is Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, which, together with the organisation Make an organisation against sexual violence behind it.
And that it is an umbrella organisation for victims of crime, who is in training raises criticism. The bar association president lawyer Bengt Ivarsson argues that the jurors participating in the training is not appropriate to judge.
– There is no objective training when it is an association that organizes it. “Make” will see everything out the victims ‘point of view, the jurors should have an objective education,” he says.
He believes that the organization Take makes a lot of good in order to safeguard victims ‘ rights.
“But they should not educate the judge with the agenda that there will be more convictions,” says Bengt Ivarsson.
Ivarsson also says that man can question the lay assessors have the necessary training, because they are laymen and should be in the courts in order to provide transparency. They shall, according to Ivarsson doesn’t add any expertise, it is not the idea with the jurors.
He believes that if one shall have such training shall be arranged by the court service and be impartial and objective, and where the different interests can be presented.
But Studieförbundet Vuxenskolans chair Ulrika Carlsson does not agree with.
– We’ve got together with the organisations behind this training really experienced the lack of knowledge about sexual abuse.
“What is needed is education and training to the lay assessors, shall be the wise general representative who Ivarsson says that they should be,” she says.
But can you understand the criticism?
– No, not fully. I do not understand why you should be afraid of on the basis of this training is to get a greater insight to what victims are experiencing and why.
And because we know that there is a lack of knowledge, I find it hard to see how one can be as objective as you could wish, ” says Ulrika Carlsson.
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