Sunday, October 16, 2016

300 people gathered for a manifestation in Visby, sweden – Aftonbladet

visby/stockholm,. Over 300 people gathered in the afternoon to demonstrate against racism and sexism.

the Police report that the day went without incident – until, that manifestation had been wound up and the counter-demonstrators, and the demonstrators were met.

– A woman got a shield in the face. There was no blodvite but nevertheless an injury and we have therefore established a notification about the abuse, says the police presstalesperson Carina Skagerlind.

About 300 people gathered in the Östercentrum in Visby in order to manifest against racism and sexism during the Sunday afternoon.

Some holding up torches and other posters. "Don’t drag all over a comb", it was a sign that a young guy was in.

"Take back the debate"

the Background to the manifestation is the lively atmosphere that reigns on the island since the suspected gruppvåldtäkten on a wheelchair bound woman was well-known.

the Manifestation was organized by the Left party and Feminist initiative, but they did not that day would be about party politics.

– In the wake of a supposed rape has xenophobic forces assumed the right to interpret the situation and make it into a question of immigration and not the violence of men against women. We want to take back the debate and explain that it is much more complicated than that, says the Saga Carlgren from the Left party on the island of Gotland.

A message that you wanted to take back the streets where the nazis demonstrated last week was read in several different languages, such as somali, Arabic, and dari.

counter-demonstrators on the spot

Just like last Sunday was just over 15 men from the Nordic resistance movement is in place. The police directed them to a special place, about a hundred meters closer to the wall. They stood in silence on the line.

– It is strange that the Nordic resistance movement is here, in little Visby, ” says Björn Sundström, accommodation in Visby.

” We are not accustomed to it.

For him it was a matter of course to get to the manifestation.

120 years ago, it was we who emigrated. We have forgotten it, and now we must be in solidarity with the asylum seekers, ” says Björn Sundström.

Lasse Bjurwill agree with.

“this is about democracy and human rights, all of which are needed here,” he says.

Woman got the shield in the face

Out on The streets, the fiery atmosphere as described in the local and nationwide media not marked by very much, according to a girl who lives in the city.

– It is mostly via social media you’ve heard of it, it is when you have seen what others think. Otherwise it has been quiet, I think, ” she says.

Police said that the demonstration proceeded without interference. After the manifestation decommissioned met, however, a group of protesters with counter-demonstrators, which led to a minor clash, according to police.

– A woman got a shield in the face. There was no blodvite but nevertheless an injury and we have therefore drawn up a complaint about ill-treatment, ” says Carina Skagerlind, police presstalesperson of the operation.

the Shield was seized by the police and a man from the Nordic resistance movement is suspected now of assault.

– There is a suspect and the ongoing investigation. But we have not yet arrested anyone, ” says Carina Skagerlind.


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