Åsa Romson the MP Congress. Photo: Kiki Nilsson / TT / TT news agency
To get with it more countries on the path ahead of the climate summit in Paris in December, the government has decided to set aside SEK 30 million from the aid budget to several new international alliances.
The goal is to help poor countries in Africa and in the Caribbean islands, areas that are vulnerable to climate change effects.
– A of the key success factors for achieving the climate agreement the world needs so much is that we can bridge between countries and ensure that everyone has to get involved, but have different conditions, says Åsa Romson to SvD.
– Developing countries should themselves strengthened in their climate work.
Among other things, all countries before the summit in Paris to submit their own commitments in the climate field. But many poor countries have never done this and have not the knowledge to develop so-called INDC documents. It should Swedish aid money to help with.
The Caribbean countries have big problems with the climate challenge. Now Energy Agency to work with a newly established center in the Caribbean, among other things, will analyze how resilient energy systems in the area.
– Money that goes to the Caribbean countries’ resilience, that is about climate adaptation. In the speech I gave here at the Congress I spoke of island nations, there is a particular problem in the Caribbean, says Åsa Romson.
SMHI will also receive a special mission to help vulnerable African countries to develop advanced regional climate scenarios. In many of the countries are not the vital technology.
– SMHI has a project office for scientifically advanced modeling to predict how the climate will change in the future, which is extremely important for agriculture and urban planning.
The money will be distributed over three years.
How good track, we ourselves have in Sweden?
– We have good track. SMHI delivered a report on climate adaptation and knowledge in February and it appears that we have a lot to work with, above all, we have major challenges with our water. But we have very good control over Africa, about what is happening and when, says Åsa Romson.
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