Saturday, September 13, 2014

Valdes dad: “Thanks to everyone who looked after my son” – Aftonbladet

Valdes dad: "Thanks to everyone who looked after my son" – Aftonbladet

VIKMANSHYTTAN / Stockholm. two-year empire that had been missing since 16 o’clock yesterday found today alive.

A motocross drivers found the boy in the woods a mile from the house where he disappeared.

– Thank you all who have been involved in looking after my son, writes his father Matias Laurila on Facebook.

During the night a massive sökpådrag with police helicopter, infrared camera, dog handlers and police patrols searching for missing Chose. The organization Missing People has been using about a thousand volunteers participated in sökarbetet.

During the night, the temperature has been hovering around four degrees Celsius.

On Saturday at 10:30 o’clock found two year no one kilometer from the house where he disappeared.

– He was tired, cold, wet and cold, says Stefan Dangardt Dala police told Aftonbladet.

Valdes dad updated his status on Facebook from within the ambulance, sitting next to her son.

“Sitting with him in the ambulance,” he wrote shortly after the boy found.

“Sitting under a tree”

The two-year old boy doing anyway given the circumstances, report police.

– Oh yes, he is taken to the hospital nearby for pampering, says Stefan Dangardt.

One of the four motorcyclists who participated in the search says that they split up in pairs to look for the boy.

– They found him under a tree on a clearcut, incorporated, says Mats Björkman Aftonbladet.

Helicopter in the search

At seven o’clock this morning gathered Missing People organization to conduct a new search party after two year no. While police continue with their sökpådrag during the day. At 10 o’clock lifted a police helicopter from Stockholm and assisted in sökarbetet.

Police patrols in place worked during the morning under a specific search system for locating the little boy.

– Male Grade various areas and it leads us in a search work which then eventually get up the area to begin searching in and which you should seek the latter, said Anders Gustavsson, Director of Operations at the police this morning.

Went out door

Chose disappeared at 16 o’clock yesterday afternoon from his grandmother’s house in Vikmanshyttan. The boy was then home alone with Grandmother’s partner. Grandmother had gone with Valdes brother to the health center in Hedemoravägen. When Grandmother boyfriend went to the bathroom, he heard the front door was opened. Three minutes later Chose gone.

The grandmother went home from Hedemoravägen and the family was looking for an hour after the boy. Police were contacted 17.15.

At 10:30 o’clock in the morning today, about 19 hours after he disappeared, found the boy in the woods not far from the house where he disappeared.


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