Thursday, September 11, 2014

The majority of Swedes: The right to shut out SD – Swedish Radio

The majority of Swedes: The right to shut out SD – Swedish Radio

A clear majority of the Swedish people want to continue to close the Sweden Democrats out of political influence. But one in four think that the parties shall cooperate with SD after the election. It shows a poll Sifo has conducted on behalf of the echo.

All parliamentary parties have so far ruled out a collaboration with the Sweden Democrats. The line is solid, according to party leaders, who have said that they intend to continue to isolate Jimmie Akesson and his party also next term.

A majority of the Swedish people think it is right to shut out the Sweden Democrats from political influence, according to a survey Sifo has done for the echo. 66 percent do not think any party should cooperate with SD after the election. The main reason is that they believe it is a racist party.

At the same time one in four voters to risk time parties to change their mind and start cooperating Sweden Democrats. But there are differences, depending on which party you sympathize with.

Only 13 percent of those who intend to vote on the Social Democrats, the Green Party and the Left Party in the parliamentary election advocates collaboration with SD. The corresponding proportion among Moderate voters is 32 percent.

The Prime Minister and Moderate Party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt would not listen to the Moderate sympathizers calling for a collaboration with the Sweden Democrats. Giving SD political influence is inconceivable, he says:

– It is absolutely out of the question. We do ourselves no way depend on or require the support of the Sweden Democrats, in any context, said Reinfeldt.

He believes that he, as the Prime Minister has assumed responsibility for isolating the SD by the broad agreement that exists between the government and the Greens on asylum and migration policies.

– We have, after the SD came into parliament, passed in a direction where Sweden probably has the most liberal asylum and migration rules throughout the open world, said Reinfeldt.


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